High Algorithm Library

"science that does...the detail"


World-class projects in Biotechnology with one objective- the discovery of novel energy.

Onboard H.A.L. House for High Algorithm Library (abbreviated: Hal) describes a teritary source, a unique field for research in pure bio-energy harnessing and storage, in Wen economics and, in No-Sphere Intelligence research. Founded in 2011 by senior Sonthraesist SiiR. C.E. Essoh and SiiR. M.S Fortes. HAL to date remains a private interdisciplinary, interindependent, paragovernmental network for research-exchange headquartered in Surrey, United Kingdom- UK.

Let’s develop something together!

calm body of water during golden hour
calm body of water during golden hour

We’re research partners to ambitious networks

What we work on?

Answers / Questions

HAL probes/questions the fundamental structure of signals that make up the fabric of a human visual imaging. Doing so with scientific tools and wealth of info already available. Questions such as: What is human’s visual fabric made of? How does the visual imaging construct come about? Where is it stored? How can we break through an individual’s or a person’s visual imaging construct or system, in order to program it in a new way? Can a human’s visual imaging be transphered to other organisms> and vice-versa?

The network proceeds to answer these questions through Tri-Age (read- tree aging) the complex analogue and digital, private and public, scientific wealth of information there available.

Hal's approach

UL Technical / Operations / Discovery

Societies (experts, sages, philosophers…) have long fought to predict, manipulate and control the sources of nature. Conventional Research, on the one hand, involves tactical methodology; on the other hand, strategical methodology to conclude on theories. HAL in parallel development combines the systems of Sciencia and the systems of Systemics to showcase a clear picture of the No-Sphere – “Atom system for creation in the absence of energy *an Atom is the smallest unit of any substance

We influx through High Algorithm Tri-age sources and novel mathematics (*the absence of energy as incursor*) that exist within a universe of creations, to provide a model structure we feel comprises a foundation that obeys gradual communication ease for group learning and know-how skills transfer. In simpler terms, ULHAL works to establish a transparent window into the elementary system(s) and higher-level systems that govern single-self-energy intelligence.

As an example:

Pretend you stand alone in a location; whether circular, rectangular or else and wish to not be seen for a short or long period of time, knowing your every effort to do so is observed, and viewed by every one element, organism, and matter existing within and around you.

  1. What could be the best way to carry out your plan?

  2. Where to start? What is that prompted your plan?

  3. How is it that you ended up knowing where you are?

  4. When is when you find there is a room?

  5. And when is when you found the ground you are now standing on?

    These are priorities during our daily operations, such are, to develop adequate equipment, tools, software, hardware and else for the next breakthrough.

green grass field
green grass field
a computer generated image of a pink fish
a computer generated image of a pink fish

Developed for today Improved for tomorrow






Study systems of energy absence intelligence, construct and, systems of No-sphere framework

Harness and effective use of pure bioenergy_ Single self-energy creation

World-class execution in human augmentation

Behaviour modification, Human visual optimization

Defence- Biotech- Government- Aerospace- Maritime

The talent we cultivate and, Tre3cientists we generate, give great importance to the society we plan for the future.